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3.0.1 • Public • Published


Find a tournament bracket in a tweet (or any data object).


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Why is this useful?

For, users enter by tweeting a link to their bracket. This module can parse a tweet and determine if it contains a valid bracket. It also has a lower level method find that can be used to find a tweet in a more generic data object.

How does it determine if a bracket is found?

  1. It will check whether any links are from options.domain
  2. If that fails, it will check whether any of the tags match a tag from options.tags

If both of those fail, it will fire the callback with an error (unless forceMatch contains either tags or domain). After that it will look for a bracket in:

  1. Any of the urls that match the domain
  2. Any of the tags
  3. Any chunks of text (split by spaces)

If any of these find a bracket, it will be validated the result will be passed to the callback. If no bracket is still found, any URLs will be followed using simple-realurl and checked again to see if they match the domain and contain a bracket.

API / Usage

Make a new bracket-finder object with an options object (the year and sport options are required and passed directly to bracket-data):

var BracketFinder = require('bracket-finder');
var finder = new BracketFinder({
   year: '2013',
   sport: 'ncaam',
   domain: '',
   tags: ['tybrtk']
finder.tweet(tweet, function (err, bracket) {
    if (err) return; // No bracket found
    // Do something with bracket


  • sport: The sport you are validating. See bracket-data for more info.
  • year: The year you are validating. See bracket-data for more info.
  • domain: (String, default: '') The domain that a bracket tweet or data object might contain
  • tags: (Array, default: []) An array of (hash)tags (but without the #) that a bracket tweet or data object might contain
  • forceMatch: (Array, default: ['tags']) Indicates which properties must be specified in the data. Can contain tags, domain, both or neither
  • allowCrossDomain: (Boolean, default: depends on environment) By default if you run this in a browser, cross domain urls will not be requested. If you would like to change this, set the option to true. When running in node, it defaults to true.


  • tweet(tweetObject, cb): tweetObject should in the format of a tweet from Twitter's API
  • find(dataObject, cb): dataObject should have the following:
    urls: [''],
    tags: ['tybrkt']
    text: 'This is the text!'

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  • lukekarrys