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0.0.4-beta.4 • Public • Published


The JavaScript SDK for IDEP Network

IDEP.js is a javascript SDK that allows browsers and node.js clients to interact with IDEP Network blockchain.

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Table of Contents


  • Works both in node.js and in browser environments.
  • Written in Typescript.
  • Wallet creation, persistence, restoration (from the mnemonic phrase or a private key). Can be used to create wallets for other blockchains.
  • Querying the idep blockchain, sending transactions.
  • Safe encryption, based on the native APIs (crypto in node, subtleCrypto in a browser).
  • Uses protocol buffers.


yarn add idep.js


npm install idep.js

Quick Start Guide

If you are in a hurry, start here.

  1. Install idep.js with either yarn or npm.
  2. Create client's instance.
  import {createNewClient} from 'idep.js';

  const client = createNewClient(); // uses default configuration
  1. Create new wallet. Password is used to encrypt the private key. You will need it to make a transaction. Name is used for persistence.
const wallet = await client.wallet.createNew('encryptionPwd', 'walletName');
  1. After creating your wallet successfully, you can start making queries and transactions! Below1 you can find a list with possible ones that you can make with the idep.js.

Using IDEP.js

Disclaimer: Using await in a global scope is only supported with node versions higher than 17. If using older versions, wrap examples below in async functions.

IDEP.js client

To start, import and create the client.

import {createNewClient} from 'idep.js';

const client = createNewClient({
  nodeUrl: '',
  chainId: 'SanfordNetwork',
  fee: {
    gas: '7000',
    amount: [{ denom: 'idep', amount: '500' }],
});  // default config

Configuration can be omitted, in that case the default one is going to be used.

const client = createNewClient()


After wallet is created, retrieved, or restored; it's stored on the client's instance. Private key is encrypted with provided password.

Create new wallet

const wallet = await client.wallet.createNew('encryptionPwd', 'walletName');
const {mnemonic, publicKey, address} = wallet;

This is the only time when mnemonic phrase can be accessed. Make sure to store it securely. Naming a wallet is optional (it defaults to the wallet's address).

Retrieving wallet from storage

const wallet = await client.wallet.retrieveSavedWallet('name');
const {publicKey, address} = wallet;

Wallet restoration

With a mnemonic phrase:

const mnemonic = 'power thing inmate obscure rubber frequent grit hair below museum notable reopen spoon prize family caught axis host';
const wallet = await client.wallet.restoreWithSeed(mnemonic, 'password');

With private key:

const privateKey = 'hexEncodedPrivateKeyString';
const wallet = await client.wallet.restoreWithPrivateKey(privateKey, 'password')

Query the account's balance

const address = 'idep126dfeu0d6awmdjy29e4f04eg0g3kvcpz9dazru';
const denom = 'idep'
const response = await, denom);
console.log(response); // {balance: {amount: '10000000150', denom: 'idep'}}

Create and send a simple transaction, that sends coins

const txResult = await{
    recipient: 'idep126dfeu0d6awmdjy29e4f04eg0g3kvcpz9dazru',
    amount: [{
        denom: 'idep',
        amount: '25'
}, {
    from: client.wallet.address, // optional
    pub_key: client.wallet.publicKey, // optional
    fee: {
        gas: '7000',
        amount: [{
            denom: 'idep',
            amount: '700'
    }, // optional
    simulate: false, // optional
    password: 'password', // needed to decrypt a private key, which is needed to sign the tx
console.log(txResult); // 'Tx hash 26919CA117C5D5240AF144D6A7765AE31372D9E167CB596A46210AC986F28C03'

You also can simulate the transaction beforehand so you get required gas estimate. To do it, simply change the simulate flag to true.

Check tx status

const txHash = '26919CA117C5D5240AF144D6A7765AE31372D9E167CB596A46210AC986F28C03';
const status = await client.rpc.checkTx(txHash);

Check status

Possible queries and transactions

Auth src/x/auth

  • checkAccountInfo (queryAccount)
  • checkAuthParams (queryParams)

Bank src/x/bank

  • checkBalance (queryBalance)
  • checkALlBalances (queryAllBalances)
  • checkSupply (querySupplyOf)
  • checkParams (queryParams)
  • checkBalance (queryAllBalances)
  • checkALlBalances (queryAllBalances)
  • msgSend
  • msgMultiSend

NFT src/x/nft

  • checkSupply (querySupply)
  • checkOwner (queryOwner)
  • checkCollection (queryCollection)
  • checkDenom (queryDenom)
  • checkMultipleDenoms (queryDenoms)
  • checkNft (queryNFT)
  • msgIssueDenom
  • msgMintNFT
  • msgEditNFT
  • msgTransferNFT
  • msgBurnNFT

Appendix and FAQ

❓ More Questions?

Chat with the team on the IDEP Discord server IDEP.js channel!

Something doesn't work as expected? Open a new issue!




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