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A library to read/write Flash Video file format (only supports AAC/AVC)




Example of reading FLV file

const {readFile, print} = require('@mediafish/flv');

const buf = fs.readFileSync('test.flv');
const [offset, flv] = readFile(buf, offset);
FLVFile {
  FLVHeader: {
    version: 1,
    hasAudio: true,
    hasVideo: true
  body: [
    FLVTag: {
      timestamp: 0,
      AVC: {
        frameType: 'keyframe',
        codec: 'AVC',
        packetType: 'NALU',
        data: <Buffer length=1024 >
    FLVTag: {
      timestamp: 0,
      AAC: {
        format: 'AAC',
        sampleRate: '44kHz',
        size: '16Bit',
        isStereo: true,
        packetType: 'raw',
        data: <Buffer length=1024 >

Example of reading Video and Audio

const {readVideo, readAudio, print} = require('@mediafish/flv');

const [offset, video] = readVideo(buf1, offset);
AVC: {
  frameType: 'keyframe',
  codec: 'AVC',
  packetType: 'NALU',
  data: <Buffer length=1024 >

const [offset, audio] = readAudio(buf2, offset);
AAC: {
  format: 'AAC',
  sampleRate: '44kHz',
  size: '16Bit',
  isStereo: true,
  packetType: 'raw',
  data: <Buffer length=1024 >

Example of writing FLV

const {writeData, type: {Video, AVC, Audio, AAC, FLVFile, FLVHeader, FLVTag}} = require('@mediafish/flv');

const video = new AVC({
  frameType: Video.FrameType.keyframe,
  codec: Video.Codec.AVC,
  packetType: AVC.PacketType.NALU,
  compositionTimeOffset: 0,
  data: buf1

const audio = new AAC({
  format: Audio.SoundFormat.AAC,
  sampleRate: Audio.SampleRate._44kHz,
  size: Audio.SampleLength._16Bit,
  isStereo: true,
  packetType: AAC.PacketType.Raw,
  data: buf2

const header = new FLVHeader({version: 1, hasAudio: true, hasVideo: true});

const tags = [
  new FLVTag({type: FLVTag.TagType.audio, timestamp: 0, data: audio}),
  new FLVTag({type: FLVTag.TagType.video, timestamp: 0, data: video})

const flv = new FLVFile(header, tags);

// First, pass null instead of a buffer to detect how many bytes are needed
const byteLength = writeData(flv, null, 0);
// And then alloc a buff
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(byteLength);
// Finally, write the data actually to the buffer
writeData(flv, buffer, 0);

Example of writing Video and Audio

const {writeData, type: {Video, AVC, Audio, AAC}} = require('@mediafish/flv');

const video = new AVC({
  frameType: Video.FrameType.keyframe,
  codec: Video.Codec.AVC,
  packetType: AVC.PacketType.NALU,
  compositionTimeOffset: 0,
  data: buf1

const audio = new AAC({
  format: Audio.SoundFormat.AAC,
  sampleRate: Audio.SampleRate._44kHz,
  size: Audio.SampleLength._16Bit,
  isStereo: true,
  packetType: AAC.PacketType.Raw,
  data: buf2

// First, pass null instead of a buffer to detect how many bytes are needed
const videoLength = writeData(video, null, 0);
const audioLength = writeData(audio, null, 0);
// And then alloc a buff
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(videoLength + audioLength);
// Finally, write the data actually to the buffer
let offset = 0;
offset = writeData(video, buffer, offset);
offset = writeData(audio, buffer, offset);


readFile(buffer, offset)

Read FLV file from the buffer


Name Type Required Default Description
buffer Buffer or Uint8Array Yes N/A The buffer from which the data is read
offset number Yes N/A An integer to specify the position within the buffer

return value

An array containing the following pair of values

Index Type Description
[0] number An integer to indicate the position from which the next data should be read
[1] FLVFile The read data (See Data format)

readVideo(buffer, offset, length)

Read video data from the buffer


Name Type Required Default Description
buffer Buffer or Uint8Array Yes N/A The buffer from which the data is read
offset number Yes N/A An integer to specify the position within the buffer
length number Yes N/A An integer to specify how many bytes to read

return value

An array containing the following pair of values

Index Type Description
[0] number An integer to indicate the position from which the next data should be read
[1] AVC The read data (See Data format)

readAudio(buffer, offset)

Read audio data from the buffer


Name Type Required Default Description
buffer Buffer or Uint8Array Yes N/A The buffer from which the data is read
offset number Yes N/A An integer to specify the position within the buffer
length number Yes N/A An integer to specify how many bytes to read

return value

An array containing the following pair of values

Index Type Description
[0] number An integer to indicate the position from which the next data should be read
[1] AAC The read data (See Data format)

writeData(data, buffer, offset)

Write data to the buffer


Name Type Required Default Description
data AVC/AAC/FLVHeader/FLVTag/FLVFile Yes N/A The data to be written to the buffer
buffer Buffer No null The buffer to which the data is written. If null, only the necessary buffer size is calculated
offset number Yes N/A An integer to specify the position within the buffer

return value

An integer to indicate the position from which the next data should be read


Updates the option values


Name Type Required Default Description
obj Object Yes {} An object holding option values which will be used to overwrite the internal option values.
supported options
Name Type Default Description
strictMode boolean false If true, the function throws an error when the method invocations failed. If false, the function just logs the error and continues to run.


Retrieves the current option values

return value

A cloned object containing the current option values

Data format

This section describes the structure of the data that can be read / written using readFile/readAudio/readVideo


Property Type Description
header FLVHeader An instance of FLVHeader
body [FLVTag] An array of FLVTag


Property Type Description
version number FLV version
hasAudio boolean Audio tags are present
hasVideo boolean Video tags are present


Property Type Description
type enum FLVTag.TagType Type of this tag
timestamp number Time in milliseconds at which the data in this tag applies
data Audio or Video An instance of Audio / Video


Property Type Description
format enum Audio.SoundFormat Type of this tag. Only AAC is supported.
sampleRate enum Audio.SampleRate sample rate
size enum Audio.SampleLength bits per sample
isStereo boolean mono / stereo
data Buffer or Uint8Array Format specific data.

AAC extends Audio

Property Type Description
packetType enum AAC.PacketType AAC packet type


Property Type Description
frameType enum Video.FrameType Type of the frame included in this tag
codec enum Video.Codec Type of codec used to compress the frame. Only AVC is supported.
data Buffer or Uint8Array Codec specific data.

AVC extends Video

Property Type Description
packetType enum AVC.PacketType AVC packet type
compositionTimeOffset number Composition time offset



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