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A simple command-line authenticator with encryption (import accounts from Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator and Facebook Authenticator)

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Install with npm globally:

npm install -g authenticator-clui

Steps to export accounts from Google Authenticator

Get accounts URI

  • Open Google Authenticator click on ...
  • Click Export accounts
  • Click Continue select the account(s) which you want to export
  • Click Export then you got the QRcode. Use online QRcode decoder to decode the QRcode and get the URI.

export URI from Google Authenticator

Import Accounts

Import without encryption

Use export accounts steps and copy URI from your phone then run --import <with copy URI>

authenticator --import "otpauth-migration://offline?data=CicKFFFFNi94eGM5bGxUUWlQcWxJSjU0EgR0ZXN0GgNvdHAgASgBMAIQARgBIAA%3D"

Import with encryption

Encrypt accounts data with AES256 encryption using a strong password. The authenticator will ask the password every time when you run.

authenticator --encrypt --import "otpauth-migration://offline?data=CicKFFFFNi94eGM5bGxUUWlQcWxJSjU0EgR0ZXN0GgNvdHAgASgBMAIQARgBIAA%3D"
  • Don't forgot to use "double quotes" in account URI

Run Authenticator

Run authenticator with imported account(s)

authenticator --run
  • If your account will encrypted then every time when you run the authenticator it will ask for the password

Permission denied when installing npm modules in OSX

Saw this from Fixing npm permissions and it helped, maybe you could give it a shot as well.

Option 1: Change the permission to npm's default directory

  1. Find the path to npm's directory:

    npm config get prefix

For many systems, this will be /usr/local.

WARNING: If the displayed path is just /usr, switch to Option 2 or you will mess up your permissions.

  1. Change the owner of npm's directories to the name of the current user (your username):

    sudo chown -R $(whoami) $(npm config get prefix)/{lib/node_modules,bin,share}

This changes the permissions of the sub-folders used by npm and some other tools (lib/node_modules, bin, and share).

Option 2: Change npm's default directory to another directory

There are times when you do not want to change ownership of the default directory that npm uses (i.e. /usr) as this could cause some problems, for example if you are sharing the system with other users.

Instead, you can configure npm to use a different directory altogether. In our case, this will be a hidden directory in our home folder.

  1. Make a directory for global installations:

    mkdir ~/.npm-global

  2. Configure npm to use the new directory path:

    npm config set prefix '~/.npm-global'

  3. Open or create a ~/.profile file and add this line:

    export PATH=~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH

  4. Back on the command line, update your system variables:

    source ~/.profile

Test: Download a package globally without using sudo.

`npm install node-g.raphael --save`

Instead of steps 2-4, you can use the corresponding ENV variable (e.g. if you don't want to modify ~/.profile):


Option 3: Use a package manager that takes care of this for you.

If you're doing a fresh install of Node on Mac OS, you can avoid this problem altogether by using the Homebrew package manager. Homebrew sets things up out of the box with the correct permissions.

brew install node

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npm i authenticator-clui

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  • tauseefnaqvi