
0.3.5-1 • Public • Published

generator-angular-with-require Build Status

A generator for Yeoman.


Getting Started

To run this version of yeoman generator. First, make sure that you have already installed yeoman

$ npm install -g yo

To install generator-angular-with-require from npm, run:

$ npm install -g generator-angular-with-require

Finally, initiate the generator:

$ yo angular-with-require

Other dependencies

  1. Phantom.js - You can change this in the config/karma.config.js by changing browsers tag

  2. Bower

  3. Grunt

  4. SASS (gem install sass)

  5. Compass (gem install compass)


New structure is based on ng-boilerplate but optimized with requirejs.

  |- app/
  |  |- bower_components/
  |  |  |- <third libraries>
  |  |- images/
  |  |  |- <image files>
  |  |- src/
  |  |  |- config.js
  |  |  |- main.js
  |  |  |- <codeModule>/
  |  |  |  |- codeModule.js
  |  |  |  |- codeModule.spec.js
  |  |  |  |- codeModule.tpl.html
  |  |- style/
  |  |  |- _custom_mixins.scss
  |  |  |- style.scss
  |  |  |- <other css files> - just copy other css files into this folder and
  |  |  |- rerun `grunt serve` task to automatically concat css files
  |  |- 404.html
  |  |- favicon.ico
  |  |- index.html
  |  |- robots.txt
  |- config/
  |  |- e2e.config.js
  |  |- karma.config.js
  |- dist/
  |  |- <build>
  |- node_modules/
  |  |- <node module code>
  |- test/
  |  |- e2eSpecs
  |  |  |- page.e2espec.js
  |  |  |- <other e2e specs>
  |- bower.json
  |- Gruntfile.js
  |- package.json

Old structure for revision v0.2.*

  |- app/
  |  |- bower_components/
  |  |  |- <third libraries>
  |  |- images/
  |  |  |- <image files>
  |  |- scripts/
  |  |  |- config.js
  |  |  |- main.js
  |  |  |- controllers/
  |  |  |  |- controllers.js
  |  |  |- services/
  |  |  |  |- services.js
  |  |  |- directives/
  |  |  |  |- directives.js
  |  |  |- filters/
  |  |  |  |- filters.js
  |  |- style/
  |  |  |- _custom_mixins.scss
  |  |  |- style.scss
  |  |  |- <other css files> - just copy other css files into this folder and
  |  |  |- rerun `grunt serve` task to automatically concat css files
  |  |- 404.html
  |  |- favicon.ico
  |  |- index.html
  |  |- robots.txt
  |- config/
  |  |- e2e.config.js
  |  |- karma.config.js
  |- dist/
  |  |- <build>
  |- node_modules/
  |  |- <node module code>
  |- test/
  |  |- e2eSpecs
  |  |  |- page.e2espec.js
  |  |  |- <other e2e specs>
  |  |- specs/
  |  |  |- <specs files>
  |  |- helpers/
  |  |  |- <helper file for specs>
  |  |- test-main.js
  |- bower.json
  |- Gruntfile.js
  |- package.json


The version of generator uses SASS Bootstrap as its main theme. If you want to use Compass framework, make sure that you view their docs to know what to include Compass.

For other css libraries from app/bower_components, copy them into app/styles, and it will automatically concat into style.css file

To run the serve, and start building your application

$ grunt serve

It will automatically open the webpage on your localhost:9000, or you will have to do it manually

To run test

$ grunt karma:unit

To run e2e test. This requires selenium browser and chromedriver. Make sure you view angular/protractor

Setup protractor and seleium browser

$ npm install -g protractor
$ webdriver-manager update

Run actual e2e test

$ grunt shell:protractor # require you to run `grunt serve` first 

To build files for production

$ grunt build

This also supports for subgenerator for controller, filter, service, and directive as well. Make sure you link them in your main.js

$ yo angular-with-require:controller "name" #replace the name with your module name 
$ yo angular-with-require:service "name" #replace the name with your module name 
$ yo angular-with-require:directive "name" #replace the name with your module name 
$ yo angular-with-require:filter "name" #replace the name with your module name 

The subgenerator will automatically create link in your app/src/config.js file with the name of the module. Additionally, it will automatically copy all configurations for paths and shim into test/test-main.js

To manually copy requirejs config to test/test-main.js, run:

$ grunt requirejs-config-copy # this is only required when testing without `grunt serve` 


MIT License



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  • colorvisa